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Information Seoul Exemplary Hanok

Introducing Seoul Exemplary Hanok

The city of Seoul has been certifying and promoting the Seoul Exemplary Hanok since 2016 in order to encourage the efforts of architects who designed and built the hanok and to raise the pride of the hanok residents.
Seoul Exemplary Hanok Certification System
1.Project Period

Application / Reception: July to September

Screening / Certification: December

2. Applicants and Qualifications

(Place) in Seoul

(Period) Since 2001

(Contents) New construct, large repair, remodeled hanok (including public buildings)
* Hanok: Building, the main structure of which consists of wooden members and korean roof tile

(Application) Hanok Owner who wish to certify the Seoul Exemplary Hanok

3. Certification Contents

Award (commemorative mark and certificate award)

Seoul Exemplary Hanok and Seoul Exemplary Hanok Participation promotion (Create and distribute photo albums, Exhibition, etc.)

Supporting the maintenance and management of Seoul Exemplary Hanok (Supporting small-scale repair according to regular inspection and inspection)

4. Contact

Hanok Heritage Preservation Division (Tel. 02-2133-5317)

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